Fable : Waiting for a New Heart
By Mia WoodsMommy to FableBackwards Heart; Single Heart VentricleBorn December 2023 I was 20 weeks pregnant when we found out about Fable’s diagnosis – a backwards heart and single heart ventricle. At 36 weeks, I went in for a checkup and my baby’s heart rate was 280. I was quickly rushed to OB emergency where…

March 12, 2020
Ellie: Connection Through Heartbreaking Realities
In 2014, my husband Patrick and I welcomed our first child into the world. A beautiful little girl with pouty lips named Ellie. About a month before she was born, Patrick and I first heard the words that would shape our lives and the life of our daughter from that point forward: “Severe congenital heart…

January 16, 2020
Capture the Beautiful Moments: Hunter
Expanding one’s family is an exciting and amazing journey. For Russell and Victoria Parker, this was exactly what they had in mind. The blessing of another child became a reality for the couple when they learned they would welcome a baby boy in early 2018. However, they were blindsided by a difficult diagnosis. “Along with…

October 18, 2019
A Vivid Reminder
Early this morning, I went on a session for On Angels’ Wings to take pictures for a family whose baby was born still on Lincoln’s birthday. As I drove home the sunrise was stunning and I stopped to get a picture and reflect. You see, when I was about 7 weeks pregnant with Lincoln, we…

October 15, 2019
Facing Loss, Providing Hope: Jocelyn Grace
“I’m sorry, but she is gone. There is no heartbeat.” “Those words are stuck in my soul for the rest of my life. There are no words to describe what I was feeling in that moment. Complete shock and disbelief to start, but I felt like I was living someone else’s life. Then I realized…

April 8, 2015
Jaxon’s Story
By: Paulette HughesOAW Volunteer with Flyover Photography Baby Jaxon’s story is one that speaks to the remarkable strength that our On Angels’ Wings families possess. His story also demonstrates the ongoing connection that OAW volunteers have with the families we serve. After years of unsuccessful trying, fertility treatments, and clinical trials, the Miller family had resolved…

April 5, 2015
Anencephaly: Bethanie & Everly’s Stories
By: Kim Patterson The very first baby born into Heaven that On Angels’ Wings founder, Michelle Cramer, had the honor of photographing was Bethanie Baker. Bethanie’s parents were told at a routine ultrasound that their baby had a condition called anencephaly and would likely not survive childbirth. Michelle, was invited into the delivery room shortly…

February 25, 2015
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
By: Teneka Huffman Everyone remembers their first: their first job, their first heartache, the first time they realized what they were put on this earth to do. Meeting Logan Ruth encompassed all those firsts for On Angels’ Wings. Logan was the child that made such and impact on our Founder, Michelle L. Cramer, that she…
February 23, 2015
Araya— Trisomy 18
By: Kim Patterson Like so many couples, Shelby and her husband struggled with fertility issues and endured the pain of miscarriage along the path to becoming parents. So when Shelby discovered that she was expecting, the news came as somewhat of a surprise. The parents-to-be were thrilled and even more so when they found out…

February 23, 2015
Pint-Sized Wonder Women
By: Janis Bennett When Lexi ran through the crisp autumn leaves in her Wonder Woman costume, complete with a blue tutu featuring sparkly silver stars, there was no doubt that this photo shoot was going to be a lot of fun. She’s a beautiful little spit-fire with the heart of a warrior. Lexi is always…

January 7, 2015
Changing the Negative Trisomy Mindset
Part 1: Ashlyn By: Michelle L. Cramer, OAW Founder & President Incompatible with life. That is the phrase most Trisomy parents hear just moments after receiving their child’s diagnosis. Nearly every Trisomy family we have encountered to this point has been told to either terminate pregnancy upon diagnosis, or to expect that their child will be…