Early this morning, I went on a session for On Angels’ Wings to take pictures for a family whose baby was born still on Lincoln’s birthday.
As I drove home the sunrise was stunning and I stopped to get a picture and reflect. You see, when I was about 7 weeks pregnant with Lincoln, we had a pretty big scare. I started bleeding — a lot. So the doctor fit us in for an internal ultrasound that day (which was also Eli’s 2nd birthday). And I will never forget how I cried when the sonographer found our little rice grain (literally) and a strong heartbeat. And I distinctly remember praying “God, I’m in love with this precious baby — even if it is just the size of a piece of rice — please let it grow strong and healthy.”

While I’m not #1in4, I could have been. For a brief moment I tasted it in my mouth. I was already passion-driven for families in those circumstances, but this fueled it even more. Today, my baby boy is nine years old. And today, I was reminded just how incredibly significant that is.
Hug your babies hard today and everyday.