By Mya Berry
Mommy to Walker
Born premature at 28 weeks, weighing 1 lb 7 oz
June 2023
Walker was our rainbow baby, a little miracle after months of trying and the heartbreak of a miscarriage. We were beyond excited and hopeful, feeling like everything was falling into place. My pregnancy had been smooth, and every doctor’s visit confirmed Walker and I were healthy. I did everything right, hoping for a full-term pregnancy and the joy of a typical delivery.
But at 28 weeks, I noticed something unusual—there was hardly any movement from Walker, though I hadn’t felt much from him up to that point. I was sure it was nothing but went to Labor and Delivery just to be safe. Once there, I learned my situation was much more serious. Walker had reverse end diastolic flow, intrauterine growth restriction, and almost no amniotic fluid. He was barely half the size he should have been.
As the doctors shared more about Walker’s diagnosis, I realized my health was also deteriorating. They told me that if I hadn’t come in, Walker might have been stillborn within a week. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia, which sent Walker into fetal distress. Within moments, I was being prepped for an emergency C-section. My birth plan vanished and, under anesthesia, Walker was delivered. When I woke, I learned his umbilical cord had been wrapped around his neck four times. Our tiny warrior weighed just 1 lb 7 oz and was 12 inches long, immediately taken to the NICU where he would spend the next 93 days.

Those 93 days were filled with unimaginable challenges. Walker faced a grade 1 brain bleed, a lung hemorrhage, pneumonia, staph infections, an inguinal hernia, NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis), and more. The days were long and hard, but I witnessed small, miraculous moments that many parents never get to experience. I watched as Walker’s eyelids slowly unfused, letting him see the world for the first time. I saw his delicate skin thicken from translucent to opaque and his tiny ears develop cartilage. I’m so grateful for that extra time with him, no matter how challenging.
Walker came home from the NICU one day after his three-month birthday, weighing 5 lbs 2 oz. Today, at 1.5 years old, Walker is thriving. He’s a happy, healthy, although still petite, little boy at 18.5 pounds. He loves playing with our dogs, walking, talking, and eating everything he can. He’s exceeded every developmental expectation, overcoming challenges from his brain bleed and early health struggles. Other than his small size, Walker shows no lasting effects from his early days in the NICU.
On Angels’ Wings was such a beautiful part of our NICU journey. I was scared when I first saw Walker—I had never seen a baby so tiny, and it overwhelmed me. But thanks to OAW, I was able to see the beauty and strength in my son. They gave us a sense of normalcy I desperately wanted, allowing us to share Walker’s precious photos with family and creating lasting memories I thought I’d miss out on.
Walker’s graduation pictures from the NICU are some of my most treasured possessions. They remind me of his journey, from the hardest days to his incredible progress.

OAW continued to support us beyond the NICU. They stayed in touch, checking in on us during Walker’s surgeries, which meant so much during those tough times. I loved the photos we received from their Santa mini photoshoots, bringing joy and festivity to our little family. Their kindness even inspired me to volunteer, helping other families facing similar journeys. OAW goes above and beyond to create a supportive, ongoing community.
On Angels’ Wings helps families see the beauty in their journey, even in the hardest times. They give you the perspective to look back and see the light within the struggle, and I’m so grateful for the hope and joy they brought into our lives.