Ella Grace: In God’s Hands

July 1, 2021

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By Erika Woolsey
Mommy to Ella Grace

Just 6 months after our second miscarriage, we found out that I was pregnant again. We were so relieved when I made it to the 12 week mark. Our then 5 year old, Owen, announced to the whole church that he was going to be big brother! He was so proud.

I had bloodwork done to check for chromosomal conditions, pretty routine. The results came back 2 weeks later; possible triploidy, which is the presence of an additional set of chromosomes in the cell for a total of 69 chromosomes rather than the normal 46 chromosomes per cell.

We started to pray for the test results to be wrong… for a miracle. At 18 weeks we saw a specialist who confirmed the diagnosis. He recommended terminating the pregnancy. We rejected that recommendation.

In circumstances like ours, most people continue to pray for a miracle; Our God is a God of miracles. But our prayer changed shortly after the diagnosis. We started praying for God’s will. My pregnancy was in God’s hand.

Most pregnancies with a triploidy diagnosis miscarry in the first few weeks, few make it to 20 weeks, and very rarely does a pregnancy continue to term or almost to term. Due to Ella’s diagnosis I had polyhydraminos (too much amniotic fluid around the baby during pregnancy). The doctors would not draw off any fluid because it would prolong my pregnancy. I was at risk for so many things and no one knew how long I would carry Ella., but I was blessed to carry to her to 32 weeks. I was protected through it all.

When I went into labor, we did not know if she would be born alive. I chose not to have the monitors on her, to save me from more stress. Thankfully, however, she was born alive!

We had not shared the diagnosis with our son, Owen. When he came in the room, he knew something was wrong. We shared the news that his baby sister wouldn’t live. He was heartbroken but so strong. Ella passed away an hour later while Owen and my husband, Jarrod were holding her.

We didn’t think we wanted picture but at the last minute, I decided to do it. I’m so glad that I did. They have been an essential part of my healing. OAW photographer Kayla showed up at the hospital at midnight for us and I am forever grateful for her! She was wonderful!

We hope that one day soon, we will be blessed with another child.

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