By Lisa Smith
Mommy to Aidan & Thomas
Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy, sIUGR, born premature
At just 17 weeks pregnant with twins, we learned we had a monochorionic twin pregnancy (sharing one placenta) that resulted in selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR). Because of this, there was a chance that the smaller baby (baby A/Aidan) would not continue to grow in utero. Our hope was that the diagnosis would not result in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (which could be fatal to both babies) and they would be able to continue to grow healthily without any complications in my womb.
On Angels’ Wings was recommended to us through the maternal fetal medicine department after we received the diagnosis. We waited to contact them until things were starting to be uncertain. From the time they learned of my situation (late on a Friday night), they immediately took action and were able to get us in for maternity pictures that same weekend. We also made a plan for them to be present for delivery pictures. Nothing went according to plan, but OAW was accommodating and was present to capture it all.

Things changed when we saw a decline in the growth of twin A (Aidan) and I had to be admitted into the hospital at 30 weeks until delivery. Instead of waiting until week 33 as planned, I was told the evening of week 32 that based on the ultrasound, baby B/Thomas’ blood flow to the brain showed some absences and that could mean he was starting to not be growing as well as he should be. They informed me that evening that I would need to have a c-section done the very next day.

Due to their early delivery, the boys had to utilize the NICU for their first 37 days of life. I went up to the hospital daily to visit them and to bring them pumped breastmilk until they could start breastfeeding.
During this time, I felt so alone because I didn’t know a lot of twin mamas on a personal level and felt like not many people could identify with what I was going through. I eventually was able to join twin mama Facebook groups and learn of other experiences. I would love to connect with soon-to-be twin mamas who are expecting or other twins mamas who may be going through something similar and just be a friend/resource and encouragement for them in their journey.

Having the pictures On Angels’ Wings provided means the world to me because it has helped me gain a whole new perspective on raising my kids. It has helped me to process everything we went through during this difficult season. Looking at those pictures, I can look back and use them as a testimony for God’s glory. We can see how God’s hand was upon my babies’ lives from the time they were in the womb and how He has sustained them in their birth, in the NICU and until now.

The twins are growing so well now that no one could have guessed they experienced any hardships while in the womb. However, Aidan did require surgery for a hernia and Thomas has to be seen by a urologist due to excess fluids in the kidneys.
OAW’s support has been full of kindness, grace, and compassion. They have helped me to experience joy in the midst of this difficult season. It is so nice to feel seen and heard. The photo sessions have helped draw our family closer together as well.
To any family experiencing something similar, take heart and be courageous. Anyone in my circumstances should definitely consider using OAW during their journey because it will make a lasting impact on their lives, and they won’t regret it!