Grief is caused by many things, and is not always just associated with death. It can be associated with many forms of loss: estrangement, divorce, caring 24/7/365 for a medically fragile child, and more.
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to change or loss of any kind. And it’s the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. Unresolved grief is most frequently about things we wish we’d said or done differently, better, or more and the undelivered communications of an emotional nature when a loss occurs.
Through official certification, On Angels’ Wings team members provide grief recovery services based upon The Grief Recovery Method (GRM), the only evidenced-based grief recovery program in the world. GRM is an action-based, powerful, directed approach to healing from life’s deepest heartbreaks.
The goal of the GRM is to help grievers complete your relationship to the pain, isolation, and loneliness caused by significant emotional loss. People don’t necessarily lack courage or willingness to face their grief, but they sometimes lack proper information and a safe environment in which to do so. By utilizing the GRM, we seek to provide grievers with the tools they need in order to find capacity for happiness again.
The GRM program through On Angels’ Wings is provided in one-on-one or group settings, in-person or virtually. While priority is given to OAW recipients, this service is available to the entire community (we simply ask that participants who are not recipients make a donation to the organization in any amount).
The one-on-one (whether in person or virtual) is done in the comfort of your home or in a private meeting location. This program requires that ther ebe no interruptions during the time you meet each week. For the group program, the main lessons are provided to the entire group, and then the personal work is done in groups of 2-3 people, who are the only ones you will share any intimate details of your loss with. If a virtual group, those small groups will be put in breakout rooms (Zoom). It’s important that, wherever you are when participating virtually, it’s private and you won’t be interrupted. If the group is in person, OAW will arrange for a private meeting location (for example, at the OAW studio for Springfield groups, or in someone’s home or a privately rented space for other service locations).
See the Certified Specialists tab to learn more about each of our providers and who might be the best fit for you. You can also learn more about the program in the video below.
The organization requires that participants cover the cost of the $12 accompanying book, and requests a donation to On Angels’ Wings at the end of the program. See the testimonials below. Currently available scheduled programs are listed under the Grief Recovery tab above. Or you can contact us to arrange for an individual schedule with one of our specialists.
Testimonials from Program Graduates

“I attended the Grief Recovery Method after losing my infant daughter to bilateral renal agenesis. I had two older children to care for, my husband was in a demanding school program that required he be away for days at a time, and I was drowning in grief. When the Grief Recovery Method was offered to me, I was unsure. However, my husband encouraged me to take the time to give it a try. The process was a unique approach to dealing with grief, and it was a helpful step in my healing journey. It was so validating to be able to be in a room with other hurting people. We were able to lean on, understand and encourage one another. It offered me a different kind of connection that I didn’t realize I needed. After going through the course, I was finally ready to accept therapy and made great strides in my healing.
My family and I are now doing amazing! My husband is working in his dream career, my kids are happy and thriving, I am a much better (and more patient) mom, and we even welcomed another baby into our family last year.”
Krista Dahl
Mommy to Charlee, birth loss in 2020

“The Grief Recovery program was the missing piece I’ve been searching for since I was a teen. It gives a framework for grief processing that allows all those stuck emotions to make their way to the surface. Things I had carried for decades suddenly felt lighter; I could finally stop carrying them. It also helped with parenting, recognizing that I could use the lessons I learned about grief and how it gets stuck to guide my children to resolve “open loops” to avoid creating trauma. It’s my new favorite tool to suggest for healing.”
Angie Turpin
Community member

“As a mental health professional, I found the Grief Recovery program to be amazingly insightful and healing. It helped me to confront losses I hadn’t considered or fully addressed. More importantly, it provided peace and comfort during a time when it was greatly needed. Michelle exudes genuine authenticity and heartfelt empathy. She truly has a gift for connecting with individuals and providing them with a safe space to share. Thank you for offering this service.”
Heather Wadeson
Community member and psychologist

“I completed the Grief Recovery through On Angels’ Wings in 2022 after losing my second born son. Through this I not only learned how to grief in a healthy way, but I also discovered hidden trauma and grief that I had completely forgotten about. This course made me face my grief and helped me start the healing process. I will always recommend this book and course to everyone dealing with grief.”
Tiffany Smith
Mommy to Bowen, Anencephaly, 2021

“The grief recovery program helped me get past the part of my life that I couldn’t. Reading and understanding as well as having a group to touch base with helped me get through the program.”
Victoria Bruton
Mommy to Hunter – CHARGE Syndrome

“I participated in the grief recovery program after my son, Harrison, was stillborn. It was my first real experience talking about his death and my feelings surrounding his loss. The Grief Recovery program gave me the tools I needed to properly grieve Harrison’s loss. Since then, we experienced the loss of another son, Theodore. I truly believe participating in The Grief Recovery program after losing Harrison helped me feel more comfortable getting the help I needed after losing Theodore.”
Rochelle Carroll
Mommy to Harrison (Dec. 2020) & Theodore (June 2024)

“The Grief Recovery Method has been a great step in my walk with the grief and loss of my baby. It allowed me to take that extra step forward to grieve in a healthy manner, providing me with the strength and support I needed to move forward and grieve appropriately. This has opened my eyes to some things that I’ve held onto, and some unhealthy habits I had allowed myself to walk into without knowing it. It brought inner struggles I wasn’t aware of to light. I would highly recommend it to others who have struggled with a loss or any kind of past hurt. Michelle was very open and empathetic towards my feelings and listened intently to what I had to say. She never made me feel ashamed or embarrassed in any way. She explained the steps in detail and always answered any questions I had. She was very supportive and understanding.”
Jamie Kuss
Mommy to Gracelynn – Stillborn August 2018

“At first, I felt really horrible showing up for grief group because I have my child and shouldn’t be ‘grieving’ anything. But man, was I surprised to find out that this journey truly has been full of grief for us. Grieving the moments we missed, grieving the decisions we had/have had to make, and grieving the life we thought we would have with our child. Grieving the fact that our child is forever sick with only a mended heart – no cure.
We put it off and put it off – thinking therapy for the situation wasn’t for us, or that we wouldn’t be able to take it seriously because it’s not the kind of grief you think of when that word comes to mind.
Our losses through the journey were so validated. We were made to realize how important it is to allow ourselves to miss what should have been. We finished the session with a letter full of forgiveness, apology, and emotional statements. I cried. I cried a lot. The feeling of reading that letter is something I can’t really describe, but I haven’t felt this way in almost two years, and it’s so awakening. I feel like myself again, and not consumed by my child’s diagnosis — and that…man I needed to feel like that again.”
Caitlyn Smiley
Mommy to Bentlee, Congenital Heart Defect

“The grief recovery program definitely helped me navigate and connect with my feelings regarding my grief. It also helped me disassociate my negative coping mechanisms with the real feelings of love and longing for my children.”
Emily Rowden
Mommy to Malcolm & Alice

“The Grief Recovery Method completely changed my outlook and my process on how to handle my grief. I have suffered tremendous loss in my life and most people think ‘it’s gets better over time.’ The truth is, the grief doesn’t change. Life changes. It adapts and grows around grief. As much as I thought I had ‘dealt with’ my grief after so many years, I learned through the grief recovery method to finally live with my grief. And I can’t believe more people don’t know about it.”
Connie Bumb
Mommy to Kayson, Preemie (NICU Milestone Sessions) Mommy to Malachi & Isaiah, micro-preemie losses

“After completing grief recovery group, I felt like I was in the best place I had been in two years. Before coming, I didn’t feel like I deserved to be grieving because I hadn’t lost my child, but group helped me validate my loss of the life I thought I would have with Bentlee. It’s given me the tools I need to continue processing the losses along this journey, and I feel equipped to remain strong through the grief. I’m so thankful this exists and that I took the leap to complete the Grief Recovery Method.”
Caitlin Smiley
Mommy to Bentlee, CHD