Recipient Stories

July 1, 2021
Ella Grace: In God’s Hands
By Erika WoolseyMommy to Ella Grace Just 6 months after our second miscarriage, we found out that I was pregnant again. We were so relieved when I made it to the 12 week mark. Our then 5 year old, Owen, announced to the whole church that he was going to be big brother! He was…

June 23, 2021
Enslee: Never Lose Hope
By Ariana JohnsonMommy to Enslee I got pregnant kind of unexpectedly. I was nervous — it’d been 6 years since I had a baby — but I was thrilled to share these moments with my best friend. He longed to be a dad so bad and my daughter always wanted a baby sister. I found…

May 5, 2021
Naomi: You Are My Sunshine
By: Amy DohrMommy to Naomiresting on angels’ wings I found out I was pregnant in August of 2018. We had been trying for almost a year, so we were ecstatic. But, my husband and I both have achondroplasia dwarfism, which created a sense of worry for our baby. Long story short, we had a 75%…

April 4, 2021
Milo: Nana’s Story
BriLisaNana to Milo Milo Adler graced this earth on July 3rd at 31 weeks. He was in NICU for 5 weeks and got to come home for 5 days. Milo then experienced some issues that caused his mom some concerns. At the doctor’s office, before he could ever be seen, he coded. Milo was stabilized…

March 6, 2021
Eden: Miracle Girl
By: SamanthaMommy to EdenTrisomy 18OAW journey sessions since 2015 Eden was born at 37 weeks and 6 days in May of 2012 via c-section. We didn’t know anything was wrong with her. She sounded strong but was in fact suffering. Eden was screaming because she couldn’t breath and was trying to catch her breath. We…

February 2, 2021
Bentlee: From The Heart
Caitlin SmileyMommy to BentleeCongenital Heart Defect, CVID#heartwarrior To say our sweet, beautiful boy changed our lives is an understatement. When we decided to try for a child, we were so blessed to conceive quickly and without trouble. Though, throughout my pregnancy, I was sick. So sick. Though throughout my pregnancy I was sick. So sick.…

October 2, 2020
Alex and Ryker
Ryker was born at 25 weeks gestation and spent several months in the NICU. On Angels’ Wings was there to capture his NICU graduation. His mom, Alex, a talented photographer, has since been a dedicated volunteer with the organization, giving precious photos to other families whose child is at risk. “I have learned so much…

March 12, 2020
Ellie: Connection Through Heartbreaking Realities
In 2014, my husband Patrick and I welcomed our first child into the world. A beautiful little girl with pouty lips named Ellie. About a month before she was born, Patrick and I first heard the words that would shape our lives and the life of our daughter from that point forward: “Severe congenital heart…

January 16, 2020
Capture the Beautiful Moments: Hunter
Expanding one’s family is an exciting and amazing journey. For Russell and Victoria Parker, this was exactly what they had in mind. The blessing of another child became a reality for the couple when they learned they would welcome a baby boy in early 2018. However, they were blindsided by a difficult diagnosis. “Along with…

October 15, 2019
Facing Loss, Providing Hope: Jocelyn Grace
“I’m sorry, but she is gone. There is no heartbeat.” “Those words are stuck in my soul for the rest of my life. There are no words to describe what I was feeling in that moment. Complete shock and disbelief to start, but I felt like I was living someone else’s life. Then I realized…