Recipient Stories

March 25, 2025
Evie : Life is Precious
We hope that Evie lives a normal, full life, stays strong, and that—as her family—we never take a single thing for granted. We don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. Life is precious.

March 25, 2025
Dawson : Unique, Resilient, Brave, and Wonderful
Everything changed at the time of his birth. Only then did we begin to understand the magnitude of his sickness and the challenges that were ahead. After he was born, his doctors could finally give us more information about the severity of his condition. Reality set in once we had some concrete facts.

March 25, 2025
Maddox : That He Dreams Big
I hope for happiness, health, love, and wellbeing. I hope life is fair to him. That he surrounds himself with people who see his worth and respect him. Friends who cherish him. I hope he dreams of all the possibilities and ways he can contribute to changing the world.

February 20, 2025
Cecelia : Finding Joy Through Heartbreaking Loss
We had 10 weeks from the diagnosis to love Cecelia as much as we could. We sought an induction the day before her due date, as I couldn’t feel her kicking and moving as much as before. It was really scary. She stayed with us though labor, her heartbeat on the monitor. We had a…

February 20, 2025
Elizabeth : Living On to Make Her Proud
I hope that we continue to move on and heal from losing our precious Elizabeth. We want to be a light to others that have helped us during our most difficult times, and we hope to help others that will face hard times in the future. We want to keep her memory alive and continue…

February 20, 2025
Aurora : Trisomy & CHD Diagnoses Missed in Utero
Testing after she was born revealed that Aurora had a gap between her valve and heart, and that she had Trisomy 18.

February 19, 2025
Sofia : Adapt the World for Her
On Angels’ Wings helps us to stay positive. They are great at making you feel comfortable and help families that feel scared about taking their complex kids into situations that most don’t understand. OAW accommodates as we need, and we love that.

February 19, 2025
Amaya : Miracle 3 Weeks Together
We held her expecting her to pass away at any moment, but she didn’t and we were able to take her home. Amaya lived at home for nearly 3 weeks before she passed, and we’re so grateful for that extra, unexpected time with her. Now we are trying to heal and honor her and her…

January 29, 2025
Woodson : Called ‘Heart Warrior’ for a Reason
By Lindsey BobbittMommy to WoodsonHypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome; Heart TransplantBorn September 2022 Our heart journey began in May 2022 at our anatomy scan. Woodson is our rainbow baby after losing our second daughter in August 2021 during the second trimester. I think I just assumed the pregnancy with Woodson would be fine because we had…

January 29, 2025
Anabel : Story of a Fighter
By Marisa BaeseMommy to AnabelHLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome), Down Syndrome T21August – October 2018We learned about Anabel’s severe heart defect and chromosome abnormality during the 20-week ultrasound. We were referred to specialists in St. Louis and saw them monthly until learning she would need to be born early at 34 weeks 5 days on…