Andre : Smiling & Laughing Through it All
By Mollie JonesMommy to AndreCongenital Heart Defect – Hypoplastic Left Heart SyndromeApril 11, 2022 – January 20, 2023 Our journey began in January 2022, at about 6 months pregnant with our first child. We were told that our unborn son’s heart was no longer developing, and we were sent to specialists two hours away from…

September 5, 2021
Michelle Renfro: In Memoriam
By Michelle L. Cramer, Founder & Executive Director Michelle Renfro joined On Angels’ Wings as a volunteer photographer in November 2016. She quickly showed herself to be dedicated to the families that OAW serves, and received our annual V.I.P. (Very Important Photographer) Award in February 2018. From 2017 to 2019, Michelle volunteered her time and…

August 6, 2021
Hunter: My Giggly Boy
By Victoria BurtonMommy to Hunter We decided that we needed one more child and started trying in 2016. We got pregnant at the beginning of 2017. We were so excited and so were our other children. We really wanted a boy and Russell said he wanted to name him Hunter. We knew from the beginning…

August 6, 2021
My First Session: Sarah Ireland Photography
Sarah IrelandSarah Ireland PhotographyKansas City Volunteer For the last few years I’ve been trying to channel my grief [after my husband’s passing] into helping others. It’s really a foundation for me learning to find joy in that place in my heart that has felt empty. There is a lot that goes on that people don’t…

July 1, 2021
Kaysen James: My Little Butterfly
By Sam SpencerMommy to KaysenFollow Kaysen’s Journey In May of 2021 we found out we were expecting our rainbow baby. The pregnancy was rough, but we were ecstatic. On January 6th 2021, our beautiful Kaysen was born via c-section after I had a lot of trouble with my blood pressure and they thought he may…

July 1, 2021
Ella Grace: In God’s Hands
By Erika WoolseyMommy to Ella Grace Just 6 months after our second miscarriage, we found out that I was pregnant again. We were so relieved when I made it to the 12 week mark. Our then 5 year old, Owen, announced to the whole church that he was going to be big brother! He was…

June 23, 2021
Enslee: Never Lose Hope
By Ariana JohnsonMommy to Enslee I got pregnant kind of unexpectedly. I was nervous — it’d been 6 years since I had a baby — but I was thrilled to share these moments with my best friend. He longed to be a dad so bad and my daughter always wanted a baby sister. I found…

May 17, 2021
Safe Haven
By Madison Shepard We recently announced that we are moving from Southwest Missouri to Southwest Florida for a church plant! We know that we have been called to move there and join the church, and neither of us are questioning that, but I am finding myself scared to leave the place that was meant to…

May 5, 2021
Naomi: You Are My Sunshine
By: Amy DohrMommy to Naomiresting on angels’ wings I found out I was pregnant in August of 2018. We had been trying for almost a year, so we were ecstatic. But, my husband and I both have achondroplasia dwarfism, which created a sense of worry for our baby. Long story short, we had a 75%…

April 7, 2021
My Rainbow
By Madison Shepard The term “rainbow baby” — a baby born after child loss — is something I use frequently and find comforting. To me it means that there is hope even in hardship. Azure has definitely been a very welcome little joy in our lives after losing two of our babies, and both his…

April 4, 2021
Milo: Nana’s Story
BriLisaNana to Milo Milo Adler graced this earth on July 3rd at 31 weeks. He was in NICU for 5 weeks and got to come home for 5 days. Milo then experienced some issues that caused his mom some concerns. At the doctor’s office, before he could ever be seen, he coded. Milo was stabilized…