Rosette Studios
Springfield, MO
Providing memorial necklaces and keychains for loss parents.
Bridget, the owner of Rosette Studios, donates her time to create necklaces and keychains for OAW recipient parents when they’ve suffered the loss of their child.
Intrinsic Fitness
Springfield, MO
Provides free training sessions for OAW recipients.
John & Connie Bumb own and operate Intrinsic Fitness, providing a one-on-one personalized training experience for individuals or small groups in their private gym (shared with the On Angels’ Wings studio).
Phoenix Home Care & Hospice Missouri branches
Missouri branches
Refers pediatric patient families to OAW for photography services and helps support OAW programs.
Phoenix Home Care came to be as a result of a commitment to improve the quality of life of the people it serves. Each of Phoenix’s principals have experienced the need for home care for a loved one. Phoenix understands what truly matters and how important compassion is in finding fresh starts and new beginnings. It is that desire to share the freedom of new beginnings that drives the team at Phoenix Home Care.
Springfield, MO
Refers pediatric patient families to OAW for services and helps support local OAW events.
Compassus provides a continuum of home-based services including home health, infusion therapy, palliative and hospice care. The Compassus brand promise, Care for who I am, reflects its unique care delivery model, which focuses on each person as an individual as well as a patient, to improve their quality of life in a meaningful way.
The Doula Foundation
Springfield, MO
Refers families they serve who have a neo-natal diagnosis for their child to OAW for services. Likewise, when an OAW recipient is looking for a Doula, we refer them to The Doula Foundation.
The Doula Foundation firmly believes that every family, regardless of their financial means, deserves emotional, physical and informational support before, during and after the birth process. We provide the following services that ease the physical and emotional challenges of childbirth, encourage the bond between parent and child, and provide a sense of empowerment to new and soon-to-be parents.
M.E.N.D. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death) of Southwest Missouri
Many OAW families seek support through MEND
M.E.N.D. is a support ministry for parents and family members who have suffered the death of a baby from conception to about one year of age. The M.E.N.D. support group meets on the first Thursday of every month. Additionally, M.E.N.D. provides awareness and grievance events for the community, such as the Candlelight Vigil each Christmas season.
Life Meant to Live
Springfield, Missouri
Provides ultrasounds for OAW families, or refers families to OAW for services.
Life Meant to Live helps families see beyond their baby’s neo-natal diagnosis and cherish every moment together. Through the use of 2D/3D/4D/HD Live Ultrasound technology and educational tools, LMTL empowers women to make educated choices about their pregnancy. We strive to provide accurate, non-judgemental education about fetal development and the options available during pregnancy.
Lost & Found Grief Center Springfield, Missouri
Springfield, Missouri
Many OAW families seek grief support at L&F, and we partner with L&F on many local programs.
Lost & Found Grief Center strives to improve lives in our community by providing help, hope, and healing through professional grief support services. L&F works with those who are grieving to provide education and support as they face life without their deceased loved one. Our society often fails to identify, understand, and address the needs of those who are grieving. L&F believes that every person deserves the opportunity to grieve in a supportive, understanding, and non-judgmental environment and that no one should grieve alone.