The Michelles (Founder and Executive Director, Michelle Cramer, and Vice President and Director of Support, Michelle Slavens) attended the 2024 PhotoCon hosted by Bedford Camera in Oklahoma City on November 1st and 2nd. With the help of the OKC Area Coordinator, Tara Lee, the ladies met many photographers from across the region who showed interested in the work OAW does in giving back to the community through the use of therapeutic photography and ongoing support services.

It was an eventful weekend, with record breaking tornadic storms across the region following the end of the photography conference. While this impacted planned get togethers with established OAW volunteer photographers in the area, the Michelles were able to have coffee with both current and potential volunteers, as well as brunch with the Area Coordinator.
“Maintaining these in-person connections with our volunteers is so important,” said Michelle Cramer. “We want them to know how much they mean to us, how vital their generosity of time and talent is to the initial connection we establish with our recipient families. We want to be able to hug their necks or shake their hands, and treat them to a cup of coffee or a good meal, as a small gesture of our immense gratitude.”

Bedford Camera in OKC has generously donated booth space to OAW for the PhotoCon event the last two years, and intends for this to remain an ongoing partnership at events to come. Be on the look out for the Michelles at next year’s event, November 1-2, 2025.