Moroni : The Most Beautiful Smile

October 2, 2024

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By Ceianna Kato
Mommy to Moroni
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Born January 2023

We had ten children when we got pregnant. We had recently moved and I wasn’t too eager to find a doctor, so I procrastinated. When we finally settled on a place, I was around 28 weeks. The first ultrasound showed some brain and spinal problems and so we went in for a more comprehensive ultrasound. That was when we learned that not only did Moroni have a severe case of spina bifida, but that he was missing a part of his brain-the thalamus. We were told Moroni wouldn’t survive. The doctor and staff were very loving and supportive. They told us about On Angels’ Wings and the services they provide.

After we found out that Moroni had such a small chance of surviving, I didn’t allow myself to consider anything else. I believe that our family is eternal and so I was at peace that Moroni wouldn’t be a part of our family in this life. We already have a special needs child, and I was relieved that I wouldn’t take on another child with special needs.

I first looked into an abortion, but the one option that I could see wasn’t what I wanted and didn’t feel right. So, we scheduled an induction at 37 weeks. One great tender mercy that God gave me is that He prepared my heart to be open to a cesarean. And a few days prior to the induction date the doctor changed it to a cesarean. I don’t know how to explain all the feelings of my heart. Our other children decided they did want to see and maybe hold Moroni even though he would be dead. I had moments of sadness, many moments of fear, and also much peace. My one huge request: set aside all typical procedure and get Moroni to my chest as soon as he is born. I simply wanted to love him perfectly for the minute or two I would have with him.

The photographers were told they could not be in the OR with me since I already had my allowed one person, my husband Keith. They must have some convincing powers because an exception was made. Yay!! When Moroni was born, I heard him before he was brought to me. I held him and quickly realized he was breathing. “Keith, he’s breathing… he’s breathing.” I watched him start to pink up and cry and root. That moment was pure joy. He lived. But the important part of my story is that Keith and I were at perfect peace with however that moment played out.

Well, now we have gotten very familiar with the Children’s Mercy hospital. Moroni has had four surgeries so far. The first to repair his spinal opening, and the second to put in a shunt. And now he has needed a few revisions to his shunt.

Moroni is happy and healthy. He has a most beautiful smile. I am learning to live life gloriously.

I am so grateful for the pictures that we were able to have of those first moments when Moroni was born. We wouldn’t have had any if it hadn’t been for On Angels’ Wings! Such an amazing, miraculous moment we can hold onto more clearly with the beautiful pictures taken… the moment our child who wasn’t supposed to live, but did, captured forever.

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